You might not think that programmers are artists, but programming is an extremely creative profession.
It's logic-based creativity.
~ John Romero
You might not think that programmers are artists, but programming is an extremely creative profession. It's logic-based creativity.
~ John Romero
Having recently found this quote, it's been a relief to learn that
perhaps I haven't 'failed' every personality test I've ever taken;
where logic and creativity appear to be either/or options.
Instead, it's just taken me a while to get on the right path for
my inherent skillset.
Or rather, I've always been on the right
path, but now I've got to the really exciting bit.
There are so
many aspects of all the work I've undertaken in my life that I
have loved. But the most frustrating part has been my desire to do
the coding myself (creating dashboards in Qlikview, automated VBA
in Excel, website amendments...) combined with my slight
(self-taught) ineptitude.
This is what has drove me to enrol as a
student once more, with Code Institute.
My journey from qualified
teacher, to Psychology of Education student, then researcher, data
analyst and now Full Stack Software Developer has been
difficult at times , often confusing and has led to the odd
existential crisis(!). But it's all starting to come together...
Which leaves me: a newly qualified Full Stack Software
Developer, with valuable skills from each point of my journey, and
someone who is as creative as they are logical. Not one or the
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Entry assessment for Code Institute's software development course
I built this site as part of my entry assessment for Code Institute's software development course. Is it beautiful and well-made? Absolutely not! But it was created with a huge amount of enthusiasm and dedication (and zero coding knowledge!). So I'm proud to display it, regardless of its many, many faults.
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User Centric Frontend Development Milestone Project
Grade: Merit
The purpose of my project was to create a personal website to showcase my work as a software developer and also to provide some background information on my career up to this point. Essentially, I wanted to create a ‘living’ CV.
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Interactive Frontend Development Milestone Project
Grade: Distinction
I was inspired to create this site by my 2-year-old son (Eddie) who loves to be tested on the letters of the alphabet. Alphabet products for small children tend to be quite traditional: 'A is for apple, B is for ball...'. I wanted to create something that extends this concept using objects that children will be familiar with and enthusiastic about.
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Data Centric Development Milestone Project
Grade: Distinction
This site was created to support a local recyling group I belong to. Although recycling is not the answer, it is still an important part of living a more environmentally-conscious lifestyle. The Recycling Hive allows people to find the best recycling solutions in their area.
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Full Stack Frameworks with Django Milestone Project
Grade: Distinction
Eat Your Seasons was designed to help people live a more sustainable lifestyle via their food choices. It was created as a subscription-site, however you are welcome to sign in with, password: takealook Perhaps you'll find something for dinner tonight!
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